Customer Stories
Thanks to ACE, I have a profitable business: I have bought a motorcycle, a threshing machine, a milling machine, a television, a refrigerator… I have been able to send my children to school and help some women in the village. I am extremely grateful!
Ms. Quang Thi Phanh, Pa Khoang commune
Mrs Quàng Thị Phanh
Fifty-year-old Quang Thi Phanh is of Thai origin and lives in a small mountain village in the Pa Khoang commune of northwest Vietnam. She used to be very poor and it was difficult for her to raise enough money to send her children to school. She had no idea how she could improve her living conditions and it was very hard to get a bank loan. She didn’t dare take out a loan and she couldn’t call on her family who were also very poor.
After having heard about ACE*, Quang Thi Phanh decided to take out a loan of 4 million VND, about 175$, to invest in breeding pigs. She is particularly pleased with ACE because she can get a loan very quickly as they don’t have complicated procedures or require guarantees.
Quang Thi Phanh also takes part in free training courses given by the ACE team; she has learned animal breeding techniques and how to use her income effectively, by saving, investing in her business and buying pigs and buffaloes... Her family is no longer poor and is now economically viable. Her children have been able to study and have steady jobs.
"From the 4 million VND, I have raised small groups of pigs to generate a stable income."
The ACE team teaches many techniques. I apply them to eliminate parasites and achieve a higher yield of paddy**. In addition, my animals are prospering and catching fewer diseases
Mr. Lo Van Tien, Noong Luong commune
Mr. Tien is visiting his family's field. His field has 4 tons of paddy every year.
Mr. Lo Van Tien
Forty-six-year-old Lo Van Tien is a farmer in the Noong commune of Dien Bien district, a province on the mountain border of northwest Vietnam. Previously, his financial situation meant that he could only farm the land. His annual revenue was limited and life was extremely complicated. The rice harvests were inadequate. He wanted to escape poverty at all costs so that his wife and children could be happier.
Eight years ago, during a village meeting, Lo Van Tien heard of the existence of the ACE* programme. Without hesitation, he registered to take part. With his 6 first loans he invested in rice plants, then he bought some pigs, ducks and some fish! Lo Van Tien wanted to diversify his agricultural activities so that even if one of the ventures failed, he was certain of revenue each year.
Now, Lo Van Tien no longer has to worry about putting food on the table. Every year, he sells 4 tonnes more paddy! He is proud that the family is no longer poor. Through his perseverance and courage, he has been selected by ACE as one of the 10 participants in the 11th edition of “Citi Vietnam Micro-Entrepreneur Award”. He even employs 10 seasonal workers every year! The family revenue is 110 million VND*** (a little less than 4 000€) a year, with a total activity of 450 million VND (almost 16 300 €). They are now flourishing and happy. Lo Van Tien told us: “ACE has had a huge impact on the family’s financial development!”
With the training program and initial capital from ACE, gradually I have more experience in farming and animal husbandry, and my family's finances became increasingly stable.
Mrs. Tong Thi Noi, Ang Nua commune, Muong Ang district
Mrs. Tong Thi Noi
Tong Thi Noi is 52 years old and has a Thai origin. She lives in Na Luong village, Dien Bien, a mountainous province situated in the north of Vietnam. In the past, her life was very difficult and she could not meet her basic needs. At that time, she lacked not only the capital to develop farming activities but also the knowledge to develop livestock breeding. Her desire to get out of poverty motivated her to work hard and look for business opportunities!
At a meeting of the Women's Union in 2012, she met the Anh Chi Em* (ACE) program. Methods of borrowing from ACE are easier than from a traditional bank. With an initial loan of 4 million VND (about 125 US dollars), she decided to invest in rearing pigs. With profits, she has invested more in her enterprise. She also searches for information online and learns on her own how to build a biogas cellar using manure. After 9 years with ACE, she has been able to buy a big house and owns more than 2 hectares of coffee, 1 hectare of paddy field, an 800m2 fishing lake, 2 buffaloes, 51 pigs and lots of poultry. With this spirit, she is voted as the leader of the women’s union in the commune and becomes a great motivation source for villagers.
Thanks to her efforts, she has been able to buy a big house and owns more than 2 hectares of coffee, 1 hectare of paddy field, an 800m2 fishing lake, 2 buffaloes, 51 pigs and lots of poultry.
Before, my family never knew how to save, we had done what we could and spent it all. But since I joined The ACE Program and paid my savings, I got accustomed to it. During the breeding season, thanks to these savings, I have money to buy animal feed rather than borrow from others.
When I joined ACE, I also had a lot of fun going to group meetings. During the transaction period, I talk with other sisters in the village and sometimes playing games during training programs is also very fun!
Mrs. Quang Thi Duong, Thanh Yen commune
The grocery store of Mrs Quang Thi Duong
Mrs. Quang Thi Duong
Mrs. Duong, 42 years old, lives in Thanh Yen commune, Dien Bien district. Mrs. Duong is commented by villagers as a hard worker but lacks capital so it is difficult to do anything. She can’t borrow from the bank because she doesn’t have collateral.
In 2012, by chance in the village meeting, Mrs Duong saw The ACE Program which takes a loan without a red book (Certificate of land use rights). Just go to a group meeting and pay some savings, attend the training in the village and is supported by an employee of The ACE Program at home. She was very happy because, at that time, she wanted to raise fish but she didn't have money or experience raising fish before. She decided to join the Program and applied for a loan of 4 million on the first-round loan.
According to Mrs Duong, she is supported and coached by officers of the ACE Program on how to clean and disinfect ponds so that her fish don’t suffer from diseases. After 6 rounds of loans at ACE, from a family who only raised a few chickens and grow a field to survive day by day to the present, Mrs Duong has 2 fish ponds of 3.500m2, 300 chickens, 100 ducks, 6 pigs and opens a grocery store to provide for the people locally.
From the starting point of nothing, my family has been much better off so far. The Siblings Program has helped me to expand farming and raising livestock to generate a stable income.
Mr. Quang Van Xom, Pa Khoang Commune, Dien Bien
Mr Quang Van Xom
Mr. Quang Van Xom, 48 years old, currently lives in Pa Khoang commune, Dien Bien. His wife, Ms. Quang Thi Huong has also participated in the program Brothers and sisters since 2012. Before joining the ACE program, his family only had a small rice field, a small fish pond and a few chickens. His family faced many difficulties due to a lack of production capital as well as being unable to borrow loans from banks because of high-interest rates. The Brothers and Sisters program gave Mr. Xom a loan. With an initial loan of 3 million VND, he invested in fish farming. After that, he continued to buy more chickens and ducks. His husbandry has grown more and more over time.
His family currently has a lot of chickens and ducks, 2 fish ponds with a total area of 5,000 m2, and a rice field with a garden to grow ginger. Mr. Xom was elected as a village school and also as the leader of the program Brothers and Sisters. He is a typical example of the people in the village and always actively shares knowledge about farming and raising livestock for everyone.
Mr. Xom and his wife are visiting the family's fish pond